Delek US Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “we”, “us” or similar), maintain this site to provide you with information about our business and services. Access to and use of this site are subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. BY USING THE SITE, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS OF USE.  IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT USE THIS SITE.  We may, from time to time, revise and modify these website Terms of Use. You agree that your continued access to and use of this site shall bind you to the current terms and conditions and disclaimer. You should check these Terms of Use each time you revisit the site.

All information and content within this web site are provided for informational purposes only. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that all information and content provided as part of this web site are correct at the time of publication on the web site. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of such information at the time of publication or at any time thereafter.

We make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained in the site or in any site linked to or from the site. We are not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your taking this action. We expressly disclaim liability for any errors or omissions in the materials contained in the web site or in any site linked to or from the site. We reserve the right to make changes in the programs, policies, products and services described in this site at any time without notice.

For our visitors’ convenience, we may provide links to other web sites. In addition, links to this site may be provided from other sites without our knowledge. You use such links at your own risk. We are not responsible for the content of any site that is linked to or from this site. The fact that another site is linked to or from this site does not imply that we sponsor, license, endorse, are affiliated with or are otherwise connected to the site, the products or services described therein or its owner, or that we have authorized the linked site to use any of our trademarks, trade names, logos or other trademarked or copyrighted materials.

The information and materials contained in this site are provided to you AS IS and you use this site or any site linked to or from this site, and any information available therein, at your own risk. We make no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, exemplary or punitive damages arising out of your access to or use of, or your inability to access or use, this site or any site linked to or from this site.

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This web site also contains trademarks and service marks (collectively “trademarks”) and all trademarks included on this web site belong to us or third parties. Nothing contained herein should be construed as granting the user of this web site the right to use any trademark displayed in this site without the written permission of the owner of the trademark.

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We may change the format and content of this web site at any time. We may suspend the operation of this web site for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason. We reserve the right to terminate access to this web site at any time and without notice.

Your access to and use of this web site, and these Terms of Use, are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee, U.S.A., without giving effect to any law or rule (including a law or rule of the State of Tennessee) that would cause the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Tennessee to be applied. Any action arising out of these Terms of Use or this web site shall be litigated in, and only in, courts located in Williamson County, Tennessee, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts and further agree that they are a convenient forum for you. WE AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THESE TERMS OF USE OR THIS WEB SITE. In the event that any provision of these terms is held unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected, and the unenforceable provision will be replaced with an enforceable provision that comes closest to the intention underlying the unenforceable provision. Other agreements or terms may apply to specific products and services offered through this web site. Agreements or terms applicable to a specific product or service supersede these terms.

Safe Harbor Agreement

Formation within this website contains certain statements that are “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, among other things, projections of revenues, earnings, earnings per share, capital expenditures or other financial items and discussions of estimated future revenue enhancements and cost savings. These statements also include the Company’s business strategy, goals and expectations concerning the Company’s market position, future operations, refining margins, profitability, liquidity and capital resources. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “predict,” “project,” “will” and similar terms and phrases identify forward-looking statements. Although management believes the assumptions upon which these forward-looking statements contained in this site are reasonable, any of these assumptions could prove to be inaccurate and the forward-looking statements based on those assumptions could be incorrect. All phases of the Company’s operations involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the Company’s control, and any one of which, or a combination of which, could materially affect the Company’s results of operations and whether the forward-looking statements ultimately prove to be correct. Actual results and trends in the future may differ materially depending on a variety of factors including, without limitation, our competitive position and the effects of competition; the projected growth of the industry in which we operate; changes in the scope, costs, and/or timing of capital projects; losses from derivative instruments; management’s ability to execute its strategy of growth through acquisitions and transactional risks in acquisitions; general economic and business conditions, particularly levels of spending relating to travel and tourism or conditions affecting the southeastern United States; risks and uncertainties with the respect to the quantities and costs of crude oil, the costs to acquire feedstocks and the price of the refined petroleum products we ultimately sell; potential conflicts of interest between our majority stockholder and other stockholders; and other risks described in greater detail in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other of the Company’s filings with the SEC. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any information contained within this site or to publicly release the results of any revisions to any such forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances that occur, or which the Company becomes aware of, after the information has been posted to this site.