Delek US is proud to have a leader whose priority is safety of our employees. CEO Avigal Soreq joined Delek in June of 2022 and fiercely promoted the message of safety.
“I changed the way I see life. I think everyone in this company has something to do with safety. A 360-degree view around safety is something we need to develop, and we need to grow to it. I expect everyone to think how to make life safer, and at the end of the day, it will make the operations better and the facilities more profitable.”
-Chief Executive Officer, Avigal Soreq
Safety is Part of the Culture:
Delek’s Core values and actions of workers embody a culture that drives expectation that safety is the forefront of each day. This safety driven culture is deliberate about awareness, risk reduction, and reducing hazards. An occupied mind, emotions, distractions around us, and the noise levels in our area are some of the reasons observations can be diminished. Less observant employees increase chances of injury on the job from unexpected hazard.
“Always take the time to conduct a Last-Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA) prior to performing a task. Ask yourself “what can go wrong?” and “what can be done to mitigate any hazards?””
– VP, Environmental, Health & Safety, Todd Lopez
Own Your Safety:
When our employees go to work each day, it’s Delek’s number one priority to avoid them getting hurt. It must be met with individual ownership as well. It’s easy to become complacent and focus on “getting the job done,” as opposed to “getting the job done safely.” It’s time to refocus on prioritizing getting jobs done safely and maintaining a safe attitude.
“I elected to choose a positive attitude and that actually transitioned to my guys in the field. They whistled while they worked, they were safer, and they continued to work with a positive attitude. That went as far as operations, safety, and maintenance. Once we gelled, and we all had a positive attitude, we continued to drive safe work is the best work.”
-Maintenance Manager El Dorado Refinery, Jeff Evans
“Over the past 5 years, each of Delek’s business units has been a leader in safety when compared to others in the same industry segment. Much of this success can be attributed to our “I Own It” safety culture, our LMRA program, and individual ownership.”
– VP, Environmental, Health & Safety, Todd Lopez
When You See Something, Then Speak Up:
Employees at Delek are encouraged without retribution, to call-out a fellow employee’s oversight on a safety protocol. For example, if an employee’s gear shows wear or lack of protection and a colleague takes notice and says something, then both employees are safer because of the willingness to speak up. OSHA has important regulations to help prevent human error, but co-workers will be the most effective in this area. Our Delek employees lookout for one another.
Safety Goes Beyond Delek:
Each year, Delek utilizes our Community Action Panels (CAP) to strengthen the relationships between Delek and the communities where we operate. We want civic leaders to be advocates who understand and communicate our commitment to safety to the community outside the fence line. When unplanned events occur, our neighbors should be confident that we are serious about their safety and ours. Delek is currently in the process of created a virtual CAP where updates and communication will be daily, and key points of contact and emergency lines will be provided to community leaders to further promote the safety of our communities. Delek safety affects our families. Delek provides the main source of income for many households. Our refineries must remain operable and profitable to protect and support these families. Furthermore, Delek safety even affects our customers. Our safety practices ensure our customers receive our products.
Continuing the Efforts:
Delek will continue its priority of safety of our employees and strive to be even better.
“Our goal is zero injuries. DKL just achieved 1 year without a recordable injury. If individual departments or business units can achieve zero, then Delek as a whole can reach zero. We will continue to improve our safety programs and safety training in our effort to reach zero.”
– VP, Environmental, Health & Safety, Todd Lopez
Ongoing training and culture building efforts will remain at the top of our efforts. We will encourage our employees to lookout for one another while emphasizing owning their own safety. The communities we serve and the families we feed will be in our hearts and minds as we remain alert, aware, and responsible.