Delek Heads Up Update – S2P Project

Dear Valued Supplier,

We’re very excited to announce that we are partnering with Coupa and The Shelby Group to launch an automated Source-To-Pay (‘S2P’) solution. We look forward to and appreciate your partnership with us in this program.

As a key supplier, we are requesting your prompt and thorough assistance to prepare and ensure a smooth transition to our new procurement process. The new spend management solution will allow for electronic ordering and invoice processing, and will provide benefits to our strategic supply partners, such as:

  • Prompt, automated payment for invoices submitted in accordance with our agreed terms
  • Reduction/Elimination of paper transaction documents
  • Greater control, automation, and visibility over the complete order management process. Possibility for new business opportunities in the Coupa Supplier Portal with other buyers.

The new system is scheduled to “Go Live” on 8/21/2023. As an important step toward integrating your company with our new technology, The Shelby Group will be reaching out to you to prepare you to do business with Delek via Coupa.

Changes for you, as a Delek Supplier, include the following:

  • Requirement to register with Coupa to continue to do business with Delek
  • Ability to self-request updates to your supplier data, such as banking information and contact information
  • Submission of all invoices through Coupa to receive payment
  • Any new business bids, contracts and purchase orders from Delek will be sent through Coupa.

We realize this may represent a major change for our suppliers, and we are doing everything we can to make the transition as easy as possible for everyone involved. Our project team is committed to helping you accomplish this mandatory integration. We are confident the automated solution will be a “win-win” for both of our organizations.

In the coming weeks, The Shelby Group will be reaching out (via an email from to address any questions you may have and to provide you with additional details on how to register and how your company will transact with Delek. We very much appreciate your partnership with us in implementing this leading-edge technology and your continuing commitment to our long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. Thank you in advance for your support.


Delek Supply Chain

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